Echoes of Home
This 13-piece Earth Painting series, created in collaboration with Studio Yen, draws inspiration from the incredible yet heart-wrenching stories of women across the world. It embodies themes of resilience, strength, and the pivotal role women play as homebuilders, particularly in the face of displacement.
Grounded in personal narratives and scientific research, the series reflects the emotional and physical journey of rebuilding after conflict, natural disasters, and other forces of upheaval. Each Earth Painting invites the viewer to reflect on profound questions: Where is home? Can it ever be found again? Or perhaps, is home something we must rebuild within ourselves?
Through this collection, the strength and determination of women are symbolised showing how they create new lives and homes, often under the most challenging circumstances. Each piece is a testament to the power of resilience and the enduring hope for a place to belong.
A portion of the proceeds from this series will be donated to UN Women UK, whose invaluable insights each month deepen our understanding of the realities women face worldwide.